
High Temperature Graphitization Furnace 先進陶瓷
High Temperature Graphitization Furnace
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Mainly used to sinter the composite materials of carbon-carbon or carbon-ceramic.


1. Vertical structure with the design of dual-shell water cooling jacket.

2. Induction coil, thermal insulation and monitoring thermocouple inside chamber.

3. Japnese Chino double-color infrared thermometer used to measure temperature.

4. IGBT medium frequency power, induction heating.

5. Automatic control mode of PLC plus touching screen with alarm function, safe and reliable.

Main technical parameters:

1. Working zone:?300X500mm

2. Max.temperature:3000℃

3. Working temperature:2600℃

4. Final vacuum: 100Pa

5. Atmosphere: N2 or Argon

※ Non-strardards products, furnace can be customized on your request.

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