
Gaseous phase (liquid) phase siliconizing furnace
Gaseous phase (liquid) phase siliconizing furnace
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The furnace is mainly used to siliconize carbon matrix or nitrogen matrix materials 

to make silicon carbide and silicon nitride.

Main configuration:

1. Vertical structure, double-layer furnace shell with built-in water cooling jacket.

2. Furnace chamber consists of heating element, thermal insulation and thermocouples 

    to measure temperature.

3. Bottom loading and unloading tray is driven by motor, convenience of loading and unloading.    

4. Main electrical components adopts schneider and Omron brands, stable and reliable performance.  

5. Automatic control mode of PLC plus touching screen, ease of operation.

Main technical parameters:

1.Working zone: ?300X500mm

2.Max. temperature: 2000

3.Working temperature:1650

4.Final vacuum: 500Pa

5.Atmosphere: N2 or argon

Furnace can be customized on your request.

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