
Silicon Nitride Ceramic Substrate Sintering Furnace 先進陶瓷
Horizontal gas press sintering furnace for sintering silicon nitride ceramic substrate
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Mainly used for sintering silicon nitride ceramic substrate.

Main configuration:

1. double layer shell design with built-in water cooling jacket, 

furnace shell of 16MnR pressure vessel steel.

2. Heating element of isostatic graphite rod, electric resistance heating.

3 Gas-in system owns relief valve and pressure relay, reliable and safe

4. Automatic control mode of PLC plus touching screen.

5. A fast cooling blower equipped with the end of furnace accelerates the cooling of furnace. 

 Main technical parameters:

1.Max. temperature2100,

2.Working temperature2000

3.Gas pressure:1MPa.

4. Final vacuum: 1Pa.
5.Working zone

Furnace can be customized on your request

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