
Frame-type vacuum diffusion welding furnace 先進陶瓷
Frame-type vacuum diffusion welding furnace
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Frame-type vacuum diffusion welding furnace


The furnace mainly used for the vacuum diffusion welding of metals and ceramics, 

also for the hot press shaping of metallic materials.


Furnace adopting the frame-type structure, the molybdenum belt used as heating elements.

1.Vertical structure furnace construction, side door suitable for loading and unloading.

2.Vacuum system comprises the direct-driving mechanical pump and turbo molecular pump, 

the vacuum is high. 

3.Servo pressing system owning the better pressing accuracy.

4.Controlling mode of PLC plus touching screen, automatic operation.

Main technical parameters:


1.Power: 40Kw

2.Max. temperature:1600

3.Final vacuum: 7X10-5Pa.

4.Working zone: ?250X250mm

5.Max. Pressure:30T

6.Diameter of punch:120mm

7.Displacement of punch:150mm

The furnace can be customized according to your requirements.

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