
Horizontal vacuum molybdenum wire sintering furnace
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The furnace is vertical or horizontal configuration, mainly applys to metal annealing, brazing, sintering and degassing

treatment under the condition of high vacuum and temperature. Meanwhile, also used to do the treatment of quartz 



Vacuum molybdenum wire sintering furnace consists of furnace shell, heating element, thermal insulation shield, 

vacuum system and electrical control system.

1.Heating element adopts high temperature molybdenum wire or molybdenum strips. Reasonable layout of  heating 

   element is conducive to boosting temperature uniformity. 

2. Main loop of circuit system is low voltage large current input.Automatic control adopts the mode of PLC plus 

touch screen.Going by the program, auotmatically perform the process of the motion, temperature rise and fall.

Simple to operate it. Control system possesses alarm and protective functions of water interruption, over-temperature 

and over-current etc.

Main Technical Parameters:

ModelRated PowerMax. TemperatureWorking SizeUltimate Vacuum

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