
Vacuum tungsten mesh sintering furnace
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The furnace is vertical or horizontal configuration with the periodic operation uses tungsten or tantalum as heating

element.It is applicable to the high temperature sintering treatment of tungsten, tantalum and molybdenum refractory

metals or inorganic non-metal materials.Also used for the degassing treatment of metallic materials.  


Vacuum tungsten mesh sintering furnace consists of furnace shell, heating element, thermal insulation radiation shield, 

vacuum system and electrical control system.

1.Heating element adopts high temperature tungsten mesh or high temperature tantalum slices. Reasonable layout  

 of heating element is useful to better temperature uniformity.

2.Main loop of circuit system is low voltage large current input.Automatic control adopts the mode of PLC plus

touch screen.Going by the program, auotmatically perform the process ofthe motion, temperature rise and fall.

Simple to operate it. Control system possesses alarm and protective functions of water interruption, over-temperature 

and over-current etc.

Main technical parameters:

ModelRated PowerMax.  TemperatureWorking SizeUltimate Vacuum

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