
Vacuum gas pressure induction melting furnace 特種冶煉
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Under the condition of vacuum and gas pressure,vacuum induction melting furnace is widely used to melt and 

cast permanen,  nickel base material, high temperature alloy, special steel, rare earth metal, non-ferrous metal 

and precise alloy under the condition of  vacuum or the protective atmosphere. Also applicable to the refining 

treatment of metal material.       


1. Furnace is able to produce the metal and powder alloy which can't be made in the air and the way of water atomization.

2. The furnace can produce the spherical and sub-spherical powder.

3. Just because the quick solidification cam overcome the segregation phenomena, which can produce a lot of special powder alloy.

4. Adopting the appropriate technology,  the  size of powder grain can come to the needed scope.

Main technical parameters:

No.ModelRated powerMax. temperatureCapacityLeak rateFinal vacuumGas-in pressureMedium power


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