
Bottom Loading Unloading Vacuum Gas Press Sintering Furnace
Bottom Loading Unloading Vacuum Gas Press Sintering Furnace
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The furnace with the periodic operation, under the condition of high temperature and atmosphrere pressure, 

mainly used to sinter cemented carbide, ceramics and powder metallurgy shaping. 


1.Vertical structure, it is made up of furnace body, heating and thermal insulation system, furnace cover and 

its lifting device, vacuum system, atmosphere control system, temperature control and system of temperature 


2.Electrical control is performed by the silicon controlled voltage regulator and imported programm instrument.

PLC programmable controller, LCD digital touch screen shows the simulative sintering condition inside the furnace. 

The pressure control is done through  piezoresistive pressure transducer made in Switzerland. 

Also owning over-temperature,over-voltage proection and the sound-light alarm function.

Main parameters:

ModelRated powerrated temeratureWorking zoneLeak rateFinal vacuumMax. pressure

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