
Hrizontal hot pressing sintering furnace
Hrizontal hot pressing sintering furnace
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Applicable for the diffusion welding of the metallic and ceramic material under the condition of vacuum, also for the hot pressing 

shaping of metallic and the hot pressing sintering of transparent inorganic material.


Horizontal furnace structure, using molybdenum wire or tungsten mesh as heating elements. Periodic operation.

Servo pressing system.

1. Using servo pressing system to control the pressure and displacement, min. pressure below 50kg.

2. Vacuum system adopting mechanical pump, roots pump and diffusion pump.

3. Metallic thermal radiation shield.

4. Automatic control, whole process is monitored and recorded for the future use and reference.

Main technical parameters:

Model: ZM-36-15Y

1 Max. temperature: 1500℃

2 Final vacuum: 5X10-4Pa

3 Working size: 250X250X250mm

4 Pressure: 5T

5 Displacement: 100mm

6 Uniformity of temperature: ±5℃

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